Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America (AAPNA) Inc. Connecting Ayurvedic Professionals Globally
This training program is based on the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) Benchmarks for training in traditional / complementary and alternative medicine: benchmarks for training in Ayurveda & Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Department of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH), New Delhi, India. (Reference Number: D.O. NO. 480 /Adviser (Ayurveda) / 2009, May 1st, 2009), and is approved by Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America (AAPNA), Inc. and Council for Ayurvedic Credentialing, Inc.
Various Levels of Training Programs and Practice
1. Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant (A.L.C.) - An entry-level training in Ayurveda with a minimum of 500 hours training, including basic western anatomy and physiology training
2. Ayurvedic Health Counselor (A.H.C.) - 1000 hours of training (Pre-requisite of Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant 500 hours)
3. Ayurvedic Practitioner (A.P.) - 2000 hours of training (Pre-requisite of Ayurvedic Health Counselor 1000 hours)
4. Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner (A.A.P.) 4000 hours of training - BAMS degree holders or equivalent training (Pre-requisite of Ayurvedic Practitioner 2000 hours)
5. Master Ayurvedic Specialist (M.A.S.) – MD (Ayu), MS (Ayu), PhD (Ayu) recognized by AYUSH, Government of India (To distinguish between western trained MD (Medical Doctor), we need to institute MAS degree as Ayurveda's equivalent of MD in modern medicine. The MAS degree will provide a clear distinction for the benefit of the public, medical profession, and government.)
6. Integrative Ayurvedic Practitioner (I.A.P.) 2000 hours training (Pre-requisite of Ayurvedic Practitioner 2000 hours) All Licensed Medical Health Professionals and allied health professionals incorporating Ayurveda into their healthcare practice
7. Integrative Ayurvedic Researcher (I.A.R.) 1000 hours training (Pre-requisite of Ayurvedic Health Counselor All PhD's incorporating Ayurveda in their research Work
Specialty Training Levels: 1. Ayurvedic Food and Nutrition Consultant – (A.F.N.C.) 1000 hours total: 500 specialty training hours + Pre-requisite Ayurvedic Lifestyle consultant 500 hours
Scope of Ayurveda Education and Practice for Various Levels of Training
Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant- A.L.C. Scope of Practice
ALC is an introductory beginners' course for all people interested in Ayurveda
An individual who has obtained this certificate may practice self-healing
This scope of practice emphasizes education on the prevention of imbalances and the promotion of wellness on all levels of being, using the life-enhancing modalities and philosophy of Ayurveda
Approaches include appropriate dietary, lifestyle, yoga, meditation
This certificate allows for designing preventive health routines for oneself
Assessment tools are used and enabled to determine Prakriti, an individual's body and mind, and the balanced and unbalanced states of the Doshas, Ama / Agni, Dhatus, and Malas.
Those who have obtained this certificate do not practice conventional medicine.
They do not diagnose or treat diseases.
Ayurvedic Health Counselor – A.H.C. Scope of Practice
AHC has completed their Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant Training and actively implements Ayurveda into their lives
An individual who has obtained this certificate works may offer Ayurvedic wellness services to their clients
This scope of practice emphasizes education on the prevention of imbalances and the promotion of wellness on all levels of being, using the life-enhancing modalities and philosophy of Ayurveda.
Approaches include appropriate dietary, lifestyle, yoga, meditation, and health-promoting herbal recommendations.
This certificate allows for designing preventive health routines for self and clients.
Assessment tools are used and enabled to determine Prakriti, an individual's body and mind, and the balanced and unbalanced states of the doshas, ama / agni, dhatus, and malas.
Those who have obtained this certificate do not practice conventional medicine.
They do not diagnose or treat diseases.
Ayurvedic Practitioner - A.P. Scope of Practice
An individual who has obtained an Associate in Ayurvedic Medicine degree or certificate may provide guidance to individuals with imbalances.
They construct health interventions through the traditional principles and practices of the Ayurvedic way of life.
Their scope of practice emphasizes education on imbalances and on regaining wellness on all levels of being, using the modalities and philosophy of Ayurveda.
They must have completed Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant's training with additional education on theory and critical thinking about the body's pathophysiology and imbalances.
They utilize personalized diets, lifestyle coaching, yoga and meditation instruction, and the use of herbs and oils using an Ayurvedic approach. They use assessment tools to determine the Vikriti (imbalances) of an individual's body and mind; they work to realign unbalanced states of the doshas, ama / agni, dhatus, and malas.
They have formal educational training as a BA / BS and have developed critical thinking skills over several years of training and evaluation from Ayurvedic experts.
This individual is the ideal person to visit if someone is looking for a coach to guide him/her through a general wellness routine, design an individually tailored health routine, and coach the client according to Ayurvedic principles.
This individual does not practice conventional medicine.
They do not diagnose or treat diseases
Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner (A.A.P.) Scope of Practice
An individual who has obtained a fulltime 5 1/2 years of Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS) may provide in-depth guidance to individuals with imbalances using the modalities and philosophy of Ayurveda.
Their scope of practice includes constructing health interventions and providing education about imbalances using the traditional principles and practices of the Ayurvedic way of life.
They understand pathophysiology and can work alongside modern medical practitioners.
They have formal education at a Bachelor's degree level and have developed critical thinking skills over several additional years of training and evaluation in clinical Ayurveda.
They have completed both previous levels of Ayurvedic training and additional theory and clinical experience for understanding how to manage imbalances.
They can manage diseases and understand the USA, Canada & Europe based laws needed to adapt their practice to providing care legally using only the modalities available in their locale.
This individual does not practice conventional medicine.
Master Ayurvedic Specialist (M.A,S.) Scope of Practice
An individual who has obtained a Master's in Ayurvedic Medicine (9-years program) may provide in-depth guidance to individuals with imbalances using the modalities and philosophy of Ayurveda.
Their scope of practice includes constructing health interventions and providing education about imbalances using the traditional principles and practices of the Ayurvedic way of life.
They understand pathophysiology and can work alongside modern medical practitioners.
They have formal education at a Master's degree level and have developed critical thinking skills over several additional years of training and evaluation in clinical Ayurveda.
They have completed both previous levels of Ayurvedic training and additional theory and clinical experience for understanding how to manage imbalances.
They have additional in-depth knowledge within their field of specialization.
They can manage diseases and understand the USA, Canada & Europe-based laws needed to adapt their practice to providing care legally using only the modalities available in their locale
This individual does not practice conventional medicine.
Integrative Ayurvedic Practitioner – I.A.P. Scope of Practice
An individual who has obtained the Ayurvedic Practitioner training in Ayurvedic Medicine may provide guidance to individuals with imbalances.
They construct health interventions through the traditional principles and practices of the Ayurvedic way of life.
Their scope of practice emphasizes education on imbalances and on regaining wellness on all levels of being, using the modalities and philosophy of Ayurveda.
They must have completed Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Ayurvedic Practitioner training with additional education on theory and critical thinking practice about the body's pathophysiology and imbalances.
They utilize personalized diets, lifestyle coaching, yoga and meditation instruction, and the use of herbs and oils using an Ayurvedic approach. They use assessment tools to determine the Vikriti (imbalances) of an individual's body and mind; they work to realign unbalanced states of the Doshas, Ama / Agni, Dhatus, and Malas.
They have formal educational training as an MD / DO / DC / ND / LAc or equivalent training and have developed critical thinking skills over several years of training and evaluation from Ayurvedic experts.
This individual is the ideal person to visit if someone is looking for a coach to guide him/her through a general wellness routine, design an individually tailored health routine, and coach the client according to Ayurvedic principles.
This individual does incorporate Ayurvedic medicine in their respective practice to provide the fullest extent of care
Integrative Ayurvedic Researcher – I.A.R. Scope of Practice
An individual who has obtained the Ayurvedic Practitioner training in Ayurvedic Medicine may provide guidance to individuals with imbalances.
They construct health interventions through the traditional principles and practices of the Ayurvedic way of life.
Their scope of practice emphasizes broad range integrative research and development incorporating various aspects of life and different herbs and herbal formulations.
They must have completed Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Ayurvedic Practitioner training with additional education on theory and critical thinking practice about the body's pathophysiology and imbalances.
They utilize personalized diets, lifestyle coaching, yoga and meditation instruction, and the use of herbs and oils using an Ayurvedic approach. They use assessment tools to determine the Vikriti (imbalances) of an individual's body and mind; they work to realign unbalanced states of the Doshas, Ama / Agni, Dhatus, and Malas.
They have formal educational training as a PhD in health sciences.
Those who have obtained this certificate do not practice conventional medicine.
They do not diagnose or treat diseases.
Scope of Ayurveda Education and Practice for Specialty Training
Ayurvedic Food & Nutrition Consultant- A.F.N.C. Scope of Practice
An individual should have a comprehensive, holistic approach to health and disease
Focus on the Rasa, Guna,Veerya, Vipaka, Prabhava, Karma of various foods
Healing the mind-body with “Food as Medicine”
Thorough knowledge of various spices and condiments
Able to guide and recommend appropriate food recipes for various disorders
Able to work with Licensed and Registered Dietitians
Able to demonstrate different cooking methods for clients on the basis of their Agni, Ama condition, and Srotas
Pancha Karma Therapist- P.K.T. Scope of Practice
An individual should have proper knowledge of the indications and contraindications of each and every therapy performed during Pancha Karma
Therapist should know simple and effective remedial measures if and when any complications arise
Closely work with a well-trained Ayurvedic Doctor
Must meet state requirements regarding massage therapy licensure
Ayurvedic Marma Therapist - A.M.T. Scope of Practice
An individual must know the details of surface anatomy, structure, and functions
Application of gentle, effective pressure on Marma points
Understanding of application of various herbal oils, essential oils (aroma oils), herbal pastes, Lepas, Upalepas, poultices, etc.
Not provide any Marma therapies for private parts
Bring energy and healing in the various Marma points
Know specific mantras for various Marma points
Must meet state requirements regarding massage therapy licensure
Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist - A.Y.T. Scope of Practice
An individual able to incorporate the principles of Ayurveda and Yoga in the client’s healing journey
Demonstrate specific yoga asanas and assign an individualized regimen according to client’s Prakruti and Vikruti
Incorporate more Dosha and sub-dosha balancing yoga for individuals and groups
Must be a Registered Yoga Teacher or Certified Yoga Therapist
Ayurvedic Doula Therapist - A.D.T. Scope of Practice
An certified doula to provide guidance and support to a pregnant woman during labor
Provides emotional and physical comfort and support before, during, and after labor and childbirth in accord with Ayurvedic science and philosophy
Able to provide simple and effective home remedies
Able to cook nutritious meals for all stages of pregnancy care
Able to work with Licensed Midwives and Registered Nurses
Ayurvedic Polarity Therapist - A.P.T. Scope of Practice
An individual able to look at the human body and health through the holistic principles of Ayurveda
Balances the mind-body with proper meditation techniques, hands-on training, nutrition, yoga, exercise, and provides realignment
Work with massage therapists, physical therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths to bring a holistic approach to health
Must be a licensed health professional
Ayurvedic Herbalist - A.H. Scope of Practice
An individual well versed in various herbs, both western and Ayurvedic, and their incorporation in health and well-being
Know about various herb-drug and herb-herb interactions,
Know each herb’s Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka, Prabhava, and Karma
Understand effects of various herbs on Doshas, Dhatus, Malas, Srotas, Agni, Ama
Understand the various herbs’ subtle energies, such as Sattva, Rajas, Tamogunas
Thorough toxicological knowledge of various herbs
Ayurvedic Aroma Therapist - A.A.T. Scope of Practice
An individual well versed in various herbs, both western and Ayurvedic, and their incorporation in health and well-being
Know about various herb-drug and herb-herb interactions,
Know each herb’s Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka, Prabhava, and Karma
Understand effects of various aroma oils on Doshas, Dhatus, Malas, Srotas, Agni, Ama
Able formulate and make single, special blend of aroma oils for therapeutic use
Thorough toxicological knowledge of various aroma oils indications and contra indications
Ayurvedic Pharmacist - A.Ph. Scope of Practice
An individual able to expertly prepare Ayurvedic formulations on the basis of Doshas, Dhatus, Malas, Agni, Ama, and Srotas
Know herb purification methods as per the Samhitas
Knowledge of proper dosage, side effects, herb-drug interactions, and herb-herb interactions
Knowledge of indications and contraindications for various formulations
Understanding of the correct timing to take the Ayurvedic formulations as per the Samhitas
Ayurvedic Psychology Consultant - A.P.C. Scope of Practice
Individual must know Manas qualities as per the Prakruti and Vikruti
Incorporates Ayurvedic counseling skills and methodology
Proper knowledge of Tantra Yuktis for understanding the mind
Utilizes Sattva, Rajas, Tamogunas to improve client’s mental health
Applies principles of Sattvaavajaya Chikitsa to improve client’s mental well-being
Must be a licensed mental health professional
Ayurvedic Spa and Beauty Therapist - A.S.B.T. Scope of Practice
An individual able to understand and explain to clients about Prakruti and Vikruti
Able to perform beauty therapies with natural ingredients
Customize formulations on the basis of imbalanced Doshas and sub-doshas
Emphasize inside to outside by educating clients on the importance of proper diet and lifestyle in beauty
Must be a licensed esthetician or cosmetologist
Vedic Vastu Consultant - V.V.C. Scope of Practice
An individual well versed in Ayurveda concepts and applied knowledge of Vastu Purusha
Provide Vastu recommendations to clients – personal, family, residence, office, etc.
Able to provide simple, elegant and practical Vastu home and office building designs
Work in conjunction with Licensed Architects and Licensed Builders
Vedic Astrology Consultant - V.A.C. Scope of Practice
An individual able to analyze the individual Prakruti and Vikruti according to Ayurveda
Able to provide simple, effective astrological remedies on the basis of the natal chart
Understand how an individual’s locale affects them and apply Jyotisha principles accordingly
Recommend simple mantras, yagyas, yagas, talismans, etc.
Provide Ayurvedic medical astrology
Meditation and Spirituality Instructor - M.S.I. Scope of Practice
An individual should practice Ashtanga Yoga Practice regularly themselves
Regular reading of scriptures and easy understandable way to teach them to the general public
Involve in research oriented work
Has a vision of “Vasudaiva Kutumbam” (The Whole World Is Family)
Provide specific mantras for individuals and groups